Metal Gear Solid Collection Download Free - WorldofPCGames

Metal Gear Solid Collection Download Free

4 years ago
Metal Gear Solid Collection Free Download By WorldofPcgames

Overview Metal Gear Solid Collection:

Both of the Metal Gear Solid games have been released on PC before, but they’ve only ever been released on discs, as far as I know. They’ve not seen release on digital storefronts like Steam. And there is one unfortunate side effect of this release: MGS got an HD rerelease on GameCube called Twin Snakes, and that’s quite simply not what we’re getting. While GOG says they’ve been “updated” to work on modern PCs, that obviously doesn’t include the graphics. Not that that really matters, but it would have been a nice gesture to at least give us the Twin Snakes remake. It’s strange because, while it’s not an HD rerelease, the version of MGS2 now available on GOG is called Substance, an expanded version of second game.

But who knows, maybe that’s tied up with Nintendo somehow, since that release was GameCube-exclusive. I suppose it’s enough that we’ve at least got the game on PC. We’re also getting the original top-down Metal Gear, if you want to experience the whole beginning of the series. In addition to the Metal Gear titles, we’re also getting Konami Collector’s Series: Cast levania & Contra, which bundles together the three original Castlevania and two Contra games, as the name suggests. Both series received collection releases.

Metal Gear Solid Collection Free Download:

  1. Stealth
  2. Single player
  3. Survival


System Requirements

1 :: Operating System :: Windows XP/7/8/8./10.
2 :: Processor: Core i5-4460 (3.40GHz) or better; Quad-core or better
3 :: Ram :: 4 GB RAM
4 :: DirectX: Version 11
5 :: Graphics:: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650 (2GB) or better (DirectX 11 card required)
6 :: Space Storage:: 28 GB space

Installation Guide

Turn Off Your Antivirus Before Installing Any Game

1 :: Download Game
2 :: Extract Game
3 :: Launch The Game
4 :: Have Fun 🙂

Download Here
