Blox Fruits Auto Stats Auto Dungeon Teleports Roblox Scripts - WorldofPCGames

Blox Fruits Auto Stats Auto Dungeon Teleports Roblox Scripts

12 months ago
Blox Fruits Auto Stats Auto Dungeon Teleports Roblox Scripts

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About Blox Fruits:

I like it! The encounters are short enough that they don’t feel like they’re dragging on, you’re able to quickly get through an encounter so if you happen to have the wrong weapon or equipment on hand it doesn’t feel like the game’s punishing you for having to go back and restart it. You quickly hop out, swap swords, and blast back through to see if your new set up will work. (This is also helped by the x2 speed setting you can turn on during battles). The enemy types are varied and require certain weapons to defeat them, there’s no in-game monster manual of what enemy weaknesses are, so its all up to memory.

I will say it’s a little difficult trying to find specific items for some of the characters (though I have only played 1hour of the game so maybe my opinion on this will change with more time exploring). They sometimes give a vague description of “It’s in the mountains” or mines or whatever, but I often forget where it is they’ve mentioned.

The exploration is fun, and getting around the map is quick and easy. The art is cute and I really love when the main character changes expression during conversation. A minor wish would be being able to press Left Shift while in conversation to make the text instantly finish typing on screen, but it’s not necessary to enjoy the game. Zo Samurai Auto Parry Open Source Roblox Scripts

How to run Blox Fruits roblox script / Exploit /Code / Hack and cheat

  1. Download The Exploit (How To Download Guide)
  2. Make Sure You Don’t Download Any Advertisements
  3. Run The Script Via Your Favorite Executor App (Zeus, Delta, Furk Ultra etc)
  4. Enjoy