Car Dealership Tycoon Auto Rally Race Script Roblox Scripts - WorldofPCGames

Car Dealership Tycoon Auto Rally Race Script Roblox Scripts

12 months ago
Car Dealership Tycoon Auto Rally Race Script Roblox Scripts

Car Dealership Tycoon Auto Rally Race Script Roblox Scripts Download Free Roblox Exploits Hacks And Cheats For Roblox Games Best Roblox Codes And Scripts

About Car Dealership Tycoon:

This game is very simplistic, yet can get annoying. For example, I was losing a lot of CSR because I didn’t have a ‘Cheapolla’ or whatever it’s called. I had just a bit over 18,000 dollars. Cheapollas cost 14,000 each. So, I could only one Cheapolla and start the day. When I started the day, customers came in, only asking for a Cheapolla. The first customer asked for a Cheapolla, and bought it. You would expect a lot more people to come in, and they did. All of them wanted a Cheapolla. As I explained, I only had one. So, I lost loads of CSR and got NO money.  Firework Simulator Auto Fireworks Roblox Scripts

I had one Cheapolla and everyone else wanted one. It was an endless cycle of buying one car, losing that car, losing CSR and ending up with the same ammount of money as when I started the day. With this and a lot of other frustrating things, I have to give Auto Dealership Tycoon a 4/10. It has a few good things in it, but the other bad things drown those good things out. Auto Dealership Tycoon has the potential of being a good game, but it doesn’t try hard enough. Unfortunately, I do not recommend Auto Dealership Tycoon.

This is first game I have every requested a refund on in steam. I have recent game I dont care for, but I just figure my fault. This game is really simple and boring. You just click a button and watch entire day go by with no way to intereact with the customers. I would think you have sales people bringing you people wanting to haggle down price of cars etc etc, but instead it just jushes you through day with no abilitiy to make any managment decisions. Which is really disapointing for game with the tycoon in the description.

How to run Car Dealership Tycoon roblox script / Exploit /Code / Hack and cheat

  1. Download The Exploit (How To Download Guide)
  2. Make Sure You Don’t Download Any Advertisements
  3. Run The Script Via Your Favorite Executor App (Zeus, Delta, Furk Ultra etc)
  4. Enjoy

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