Full version God Of War 2 free download PC game direct links setup ISO God Of War 3. You can also free download God OF War II PC game full version direct links compressed setup and ISO for Android APK.
About God Of War 2 PC Game Download Free:
God Of War II free download is the second installment in the GOW trilogy with mind blowing gameplay style and twisted plot of the game. The must mentioned feature of God OF War 2 free download is no doubt the fearful main protagonist of the game known as Kratos. Nevertheless, God Of War 2 free download is the only successful game with unique and precise characters visual appearance. And unlike other adventure games, God Of War II download free with single direct link is set in multiple locations, however, primarily its set in ancient Greek. The events or gameplay in God Of War 2 free download is greatly focused on Greek Mythology. Now get more full unlocked steam games with World of pc games.co
You Can Also Free Download God OF War I Here. Kratos being the main protagonist in God Of War II PC game possesses some unique abilities and powers. However in the initial stages of game, Kratos will have to acquire back his powers, stole by a mysterious crow. The central motif of God Of War 2 free download is vengeance even if it costs bloodshed and chaos. Kratos has already killed an old God Of War known as Ares and is intending to eliminate everyone who comes in his way. And conclusively God Of War II PC game is indeed one of the best storyline game. You can also download God Eater 2 Here.
But how is it as a PC port? a bit of a mixed bag at least for me and a few others I know, but it is by no means a bad port, far from it. It has a good range of options to alter. And also supports DLSS. My personal issue and that i’ve heard from a few others too is that the FPS can jump pretty drastically. You can be at a Smooth 120 FPS and drop to 80-90 without even moving or doing anything intensive and these drops happen frequently.But overall this is an amazing game and worth a play for anyone new to the series or veterans alik
God of War original trilogy are the first games that really got me into gaming. I did play games before that as a kid, but I wasn’t really gaming that much before them. However, when I got my ps2 back in 2010 I discovered these amazing games. I’ve beaten GoW and GoW2 around 8,9 times each back then. Then I rented ps3 to play God of War 3 for the first time, and it was spectacular. Even today in my opinion GoW3 is the best game in the franchise and one of my all-time favorite games.
After the events of the first three games, Kratos now lives somewhere in the north where Norse Gods rule. He is not as angry as he used to be, it seems like he has matured a lot and found his peace in the north. He has a son called Atreus and a wife who just died, and her last wish was for you to spread her ashes at the peak of the highest mountain. And that’s what’s happening in this game, this incredible journey to the top of the mountain. It will probably sound stupid to you when you first read it like this, but don’t sweat, there is way more to this.
In all God of War games, expect that you will meet some gods on your way, it’s a pretty cool journey, with a touching, emotional story about the bond between a son and his dad. The characters and acting are awesome, and later in the game, you will findGameplay is amazing. First of all, your main weapon unlike in the previous game is a flying axe. You can throw it literally anywhere you want and call it back. You can upgrade your axe, attach special runes to it, which let you call some kind of magic attacks. What’s also new are different armor sets that you can wear, and it wasn’t possible to change your armor before.
God Of War 2 PC Game pre-installed:
You will also unlock some other weapon later, but I won’t spoil you that. Atreus also helps you in combat a lot. While you are fighting your enemies, he will distract other enemies, and you can order him to shoot arrows and sometimes he will find health gems if you use the correct equipment. He is definitely a big help, and I pretty much spam his arrows all the time. You also have the ability to use rage, in which Kratos is pretty much invulnerable and you will fight using your fists and deal a lot of damage. The rage meter fills up as you are fighting. Camera angles are not as before, they are now zoomed way more and fights are slower in general.
So how’s the world and side stuff? Well, the idea was cool, but I think that the execution wasn’t the best. As you progress through the main story you will be able to access a few of the nine realms in Norse mythology. Most of the time you will spend in Midgard (the realm of men).I was personally never fun of looting items, finding new gears, and so on, so I didn’t really enjoy fighting while exploring. Side quests were pretty boring, so I just did them for completion. Fighting Valkyries was fun, and it was the hardest challenge in the game. I really enjoyed collecting artifacts, finding Odin’s ravens, and so on.
Story bosses are mediocre. The first and last boss fights are excellent, but the rest of them are mostly fighting trolls, so I think that they aren’t that good, except mentioned 2 and one more. Side bosses are a similar story except for Valkyries which are awesome. Took me 50 hours to 100% complete the game on hard, but I’ve already beaten the game before and I really took my time, so if you only want to focus on the main story with a bit of exploring t shouldn’t take you more than 35 hours. If you specifically focus on the main story, you will probably be able to finish it in around 20-25 hours. Performance is okay I guess, it ran well, but not perfect. I had occasional stutters, but they didn’t bother me.
God Of War 2 Free Download Features:
- Eprotonmously Vast Open World Map
- Adventurous Storyline And Plot
- Kratos The Fearful Is The Main Character
- And Much More You Can Discover
- Screenshots
- System Requirements
- Installation Guide - God Of War 2 Watch
how to play this by keyboard
game install successfully but when it launch. it says press (X) to start. i dont have gaming console please help.
You can use ASDF these keys to play the game.
Can I play this game on this pc specs:
Storage:50 i thnik
Graphics: I don’t have <:(
Well yes may be, if you have Intel HD Graphics 4600 or higher.
press S key from ur keyboard
I want God of war 2 in mobile
This game is not released for mobile phones.
Hi… Will play clips or not?
Yes it will play.
How to play pcsx2
Request for a PS2 version Taquee on our Request page and we will upload the PCSX2 version.
how to play my console any idea
Ansari which console are you talking about it? its a PSP game
Could you tell me the entire keyboard mapping for this game or how to change keyboard mapping??
SKJ there is no specific mapping for this game, but i will upload the PS2 ISO version which you can map yourself with PS2 Emulator.
my joystick not working in this game what i do
Ahmed you have to configure Joystick in the PS2 emulator.
yes i can configure my joystick in ps2 emulator & it work perfect but not work only in god of war2 so tell me what i do
You have to bind the keys in Emulator.
how to bind the keys in emulator what is the solution
There are plenty of videos Ahmed on YouTube that can help you out. Its hard to explain here.
thanks alisha khan for help me my joystick perfectly run on it thank you so much
i really thank full of your’s
thanks alisha khan for help me my joystick perfectly run on it thank you so much
i really thank full of your’s …….
No problem at all Ahmed. i am glad the game is working perfectly for you now. Enjoy the game and please share our site with your friends.
Love and Regards, Alisha Khan.
Can it be played on 32-Bit?
Ansh, yes you can play it on 32 Bit
Where can I download directx from?
Simply install this it will install all essential applications. http://www.worldofpcgames.com/all-in-one-runtimes-free-download-2017/
Love and Regards, Alisha Khan
I have Intel i5 processor and 6gb ram but I don’t have graphic card.but I have Intel hd graphics.please anybody help me because I want this game.
You can still play the game Stanford
when the download finshed i extracted the rar file and it give me bunch of files and theres no setup program
how to fix thix
Please watch the above installation video guide, its a PS2 game that can be played via PS2 Emulator.
Can i download this game from android
Its not recommended but you can download.
Can it be played with Xbox360 joystick
No Mofel, it cant be. But you can play with with PS controller.
its iso file,if i extract iso via ultra iso there are no .exe setup in iso how to install it bro ??
You have to launch this file in PS2 emulator sir.
hi how download this game?
The download is very simply, all you have to do is just click on the above download buttons, or watch the video here https://worldofpc-games.com/game-errors-fix/
The game is ISO not like the tutorial
You can open the ISO file in PS2 Emulator and play the game.
love it
my faruite game god of war 2
my faruite game godofwar2
dude i was downloading the game but my net for 1moment has been disconneted. and after that when i press resume download its show 404 not found.
pls fix the address. my download was 97% . pls help me.
Sorry for the issue that you faced, can you please email us at worldofpcgames4@gmail.com so that we can look into your issue.
thank you
Thanks you for appreciating our work.
best game god of war 2