Gourdlets Direct Download:
Choo choo! The train is pulling into the station, bringing the very first batch of gourdlet citizens to their new island home. Your job is to build them a perfect town. But don’t worry – Gourdlets are super laid back, and they’ll be happy no matter what you build. The only real challenge is pleasing yourself! From cafes to lighthouses, planters to fountains, there’s a huge catalogue of decorations to play with. You can even go inside buildings and arrange the furniture how you like. The gourdlets will make themselves at home in your town, fishing, reading, camping, snoozing, and generally having a grand old time. Craft the perfect veggie town in Gourdlets! You can choose to play in full screen, or in “idle window mode” to let your gourdlets hang out at the bottom of your screen while you get on with other things on your PC.
I was actually going to spend a few hours in the game before posting my review and thoughts, but then I blinked twice, and out of the blue, I suddenly was over ten hours in. Gourdlets is just such a chill and cosy little city-builder game where you can lose yourself in tinkering around and building however you wish—big, small, in bits and odds. Anything and everything goes. No currency’s needed, no recourse grinding. Honestly, I don’t think it could be more laid-back, even if it wanted to. The music in the game definitely helps with this vibe, too. I also loved seeing how the little villagers interacted with the various indoor and outdoor objects. They are sure little beings who love to stay active. They are so adorably cute!
Features and System Requirements:
- Build a perfect town and watch the adorable gourdlets inhabit your world!
- A super chill game with no objectives or fail states!
- Gourdlets hang out at the bottom of your screen in idle window mode!
- Customize your Gourdlet citizens with cute accessories!
- Day-night cycles and customizable weather!
- A huge catalogue of buildings and decorations!
- Choose from a variety of starter maps for an extra creative challenge!
- Zero currency! (Capitalism makes the gourdlets tired)
- Screenshots
- System Requirements
- Installation Guide