Knightlordian Rpg Damage Multiplier Script Roblox Scripts - WorldofPCGames

Knightlordian Rpg Damage Multiplier Script Roblox Scripts

12 months ago
Knightlordian Rpg Damage Multiplier Script Roblox Scripts

Knightlordian Rpg Damage Multiplier Script Roblox Scripts Download Free Roblox Exploits Hacks And Cheats For Roblox Games Best Roblox Codes And Scripts


There isnt much difference between kingdoms beyond whatever religion you’re following dictates. Everyone plays the same and starts off with the same path to progression with very little in way of variation. All basic units are determined by your religion and starting area (with some exceptions, slavic bowman come from the balkans while desert archers come from, well the desert, though this is just flavor as there is no difference in stats) while special units such as English longbowman or Varangian Guard have to be recruited from their respective regions.

Which makes some sense with history in mind and if you know where to look can lead to some nasty army comps, but at the same time having those units region locked takes away from the identity of the kingdom that starts off with them. All in all no matter who you choose, its the same game everytime as the goal isnt to take the world by force, its the force or convince the world you deserve to rule.

The over arching goal is to build up a score based of numerous factors (i.e. having the most wars won, the most friends via diplomacy, the most trade routes etc.) to eventually have a vote between everyone who has the most points and is considered a great power on who wins. This is the most fleshed out part of the relationships between kingdoms as many things will determine if someone votes for or against you, in addition to how much weight their votes carry.  Harbor Havoc Lag Method Teleport Roblox Scripts

One kingdom might be great friends with you as you have a royal marriage with them and several treaties which adds weight to their vote and makes them want to vote for you. But maybe they’re bigger than you with more territory and a larger army, which makes them think you don’t stand a chance against them in battle so they want to vote against you and adds weight to their negative vote. A neat system though once the voting is done and if you win, theres no reason to continue playing. You can customize the victory conditions before a game ( i.e. win by being the first to reach X amount of money) but the voting system will always be the big win.

How to run Knightlordian roblox script / Exploit /Code / Hack and cheat

  1. Download The Exploit (How To Download Guide)
  2. Make Sure You Don’t Download Any Advertisements
  3. Run The Script Via Your Favorite Executor App (Zeus, Delta, Furk Ultra etc)
  4. Enjoy

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