Mechajammer Free Download PC game in a pre-installed direct link with updates and DLCs for mac os x dmg multiplayer android apk.
Overview Mechajammer:
The definitive Mechajammer experience is here. The Refracted Update brings with it new character portraits, vehicles, armour items, gang side quests, companion quests, an event log and a host of other improvements built off the back of months of updates and discussions with the community. If you’ve been waiting for the right time to jump into the grimy underworld of Calitana, this is it. A cyberpunk horror CRPG set on a grim future colony world. Mechajammer uses simultaneous turn-based combat to create real-time tactics with the precision of turn-based controls.
Freely roam through the streets of an off-world cyberpunk city, the killer jungles outside its walls, and the occult syndicate hollows below. Recruit large squads of mercenaries, gang members, and thieves as companions. Issue commands to the whole squad to keep the turn-based combat fast and exciting. You and your crew of deserters have crashed onto a hostile jungle colony. To escape, you must gather rumors, bribe enemies, and earn trust through completing missions. In this immersive sim choose your path wisely, as your story options will shift with every choice.
Mechajammer Pre-Installed:
Deep and fully customizable character creation allows you to experiment and design your own playstyle. So what is the game about? The basic premise is actually pretty simple. You crash on the colony planet Calitana; a vast Cyberpunk city that’s surrounded by swamps and jungles, and you want to escape. You’ll meet people and create alliances, until you come across the right characters that might have a way off the planet. After an intro mission where you need to lower the bridges of the first area, the game becomes completely open world and only fast traveling with the ferry has a short loading time of a few seconds.
The world they created really oozes atmosphere. With and amazing synth soundtrack that sounds similar to Vangelis and John Carpenter. Having said that, it still feels unique with a rich history and an amazing art style. Going for a retro inspired pixelated look, they’ve managed to capture a gritty, dirty and lived in look to the entire city. From the swampy starter area to the trash filled Old Town, and the high-tech urban Quinton Corporation. It’s honestly one of the best cyberpunk cities that I’ve experienced in games.
Mechajammer Free Download:
- Combat to create real-time
- Customizable character
- Your own playstyle
- Screenshots
- System Requirements
- Installation Guide
System Requirements
Installation Guide
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