Your Mother Direct Download:
Learn new languages: You will learn dozen of languages from your mother-in-game: Japanese, British English, American English, Cantonese, Minnan, Northeastern, Shanghainese and more. Discover mysterious mothers: When you open the game, there is a chance that a mysterious mother will appear, such as a Japanese Yakuza mother. Remote greetings with multiple players: Your mother can visit your friend’s mother and spend unforgettable time together. Support “Steam Workshop”: create your favourite mother character. At first I had the mother set to a language I couldn’t understand, so I didn’t really know what she was saying. MySims Kingdom
I was looking at this bottle of gin listening to “Without You” by Mariah Carey. I got it as a gift even though I specifically requested no alcohol. A lot of unnecessary reminiscing about how good things were back in the day (they were so bad) was going down. I changed the mother to the British one, and she said something like “are you feeling okay darling?” and for a second my inner child was healed and I didn’t break my multi-month sobermoder streak. Your Mother is a really cool and cute concept of having a pet desktop that is, well your mother. Although as of now there’s not much content.
Features and System Requirements:
- Click the character to open the menu.
- The character’s gaze will follow the movement of your mouse.
- You can switch the screen where the character is located in a dual-screen situation through the following operations: “win key” + “shift” + left and right keys.
- Screenshots
- System Requirements
- Installation Guide