Aliens VS Predator PC Game Download Free - WorldofPCGames

Aliens VS Predator PC Game Download Free

8 years ago
Aliens VS Predator Free Download PC Game By

Aliens VS Predator free download full PC game multiplayer direct links ISO repack and reloaded. You can also free download Aliens VS Predator 2 PC game direct links multiplayer repack for Android APK.

About Aliens VS Predator PC Game Download Free:

Being a first person shooter game, Aliens VS Predator free download possesses many stunning and promising qualities such as ultra realistic graphics and crosshair mechanism. Alien VS Predator 2010 PC game is based on the original Alien VS Predator franchise and sticks with the plot of this franchise movies. Players can respectively play three marvelous and stunning game modes, which are Predator, Aliens and Colonial Marines. And each of these sets of characters has their own unique abilities, powers, weapons and behavior to progress in the game Aliens VS Predator  download free with single direct link. Horror Games Free Download Latest. However, there are multiple more new game types in the online multiplayer game mode of Aliens Vs Predator free download PC game. Now get more full unlocked steam games with World of pc

And again the plot of Aliens VS Predator game free download is divided into three main classes which are Aliens, Predators and Colonial Marines. Nevertheless, players can also equip and replace their current weapons with their enemies after killing them in Aliens VS Predator PC free download PC game. Adventure Games Free Download Latest. You can also download other Adventure Games Here. The surprising feature of Aliens VS Predator PC free download PC game is indeed the balanced online multiplayer, where players can enjoy the endless game modes. And conclusively in a nutshell Aliens VS Predator free download is indeed my personal favorite game in the horror games category.

Alien, predator and human meet again on the planet to fight for survival and offer three different perspectives on one event.The story of AvsP takes place on a distant planet, where an ancient temple was discovered and at the same time a burial ground of predators, who also hid the alien queen in the walls there. A whole scientific station grew up around the temple, where, in addition to technical artifacts, these dangerous creatures were also studied. Needless to say, the corporation that built this base took a rather large bite.

That imaginary step towards chaos was made by the head of the entire facility, Karl Bishop Weyland, when he entered the most sacred place of the burial ground. With his imprudent decision, he activated an automatic device that informed the predator spaceship. Of course, they didn’t take any napkins and immediately after arriving in the planet’s orbit, they destroyed a human cruiser with a single shot, from which only a few crew members survived. The Predators eventually descended to the surface in smaller shuttles and had no choice but to get their technology back and bury this place once and for all.
And how did the imprisoned intruders get free? You will also play your part in this part of the story and you will learn everything immediately in the introductory short film. I would not like to reveal the whole point in advance. What is important, however, is that AvsP offers three different perspectives on the entire event, and individual stories intertwine throughout the game.

Whom the aforementioned reminds of the first AvsP film, is not so far off. The story of this title, as with the last two film adaptations, is not really the main thing, and in some respects they are even similar. Over time, you will also come to realize that everything again revolves around the clichés used hundreds of times about fanatical scientists, dangerous games with alien eggs, unprepared soldiers or even anxiously principled predators.

Aliens VS Predator PC Game pre-installed:

This theme has huge potential, largely underutilized in this game. With today’s graphical capabilities, developers could break through with Alien vs. Predator game. 20%Remembered this game after watching Prey and decided to revisit it. Playing this game now as compared to a decade ago. I’m able to more appreciate certain aspects about this game that i wasn’t able to remember in the past. The game is by no means a long winded game but what it doesn’t have in game-play length, it more then makes up for it with the compelling game-play mechanics. The Human campaign is just sort of a cookie cutter first person shoot em’ up. But the rest of the game is honestly spectacular, even when looking at today as compared to when i first played it, more then a decade ago.

Even though the traversal mechanics can be kind of frustrating and the game-play can at few times be repetitive, I still wish I could see a new addition to this story, or at the very least a new AvP game with modernized graphics and mechanics. That being said hopefully the popularity behind Prey will breathe some much-needed life into this franchise and bring some more attention to the universe and make it more likely for another installment. It’s still probably unlikely though. With all that said, this game will still always be a hidden gem in my eyes.I’m not trying to be mean but this game has aged terribly, especially when compared against it’s two predecessors AVP (1999) and AVP2 (2001)

The borderlands filter makes the game look bad and doesn’t fit the universe or aesthetic at all, the campaign is largely boring and forgettable except for the Nightclub sequence in the Marine Campaign, the 3v1 fight against the Yautja as Specimen Six, and the final battle against the Abomination as Dark.

The multiplayer is. from my point of view, unbalanced. I played this game when it was new and thought Predators were pretty overpowered then. Took several years as a break, thought maybe it was me being salty, younger, more volatile and immature, and even with the nearly dead MP population Predators STILL win every match. It may just be my bias (I’m more of a fan of the Alien, myself) but that’s exactly how I remember the multiplayer scene as it was years ago. I’m not exactly bad, 3 matches and all top of the scoreboard on the Alien team after not having played for nearly 8 years but Predators roflstomping everyone. Perhaps all the best players pick the Predator, but I digress.


Aliens VS Predator Free Download Features:

  • Marvelously Well Written Plot
  • Game Has Dark Tone And Also Some Bright Tone
  • Well Managed Gadgets And Game Interface
  • And Much More You Can Discover


System Requirements

1 :: Operating System :: Windows 7/8.1/10
2 :: Processor: Intel Pentium 4/AMD or better
3 :: Ram :: 4 GB RAM
4 :: DirectX: Version 09
5 :: Graphics:: NVIDIA GeForce 7900/AMD Radeon ATI X1800
6 :: Space Storage:: 16 GB space

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