Feline Shenanigans Direct Download:
Feline Shenanigans is a family friendly survival horror game where you play as Mathias Shultz. Mathias really wants to go out to a lavish vacation to Thailand so he decides to take on a whopping ten thousand dollar gig offered by a Mr. and Mrs. RoffleBurger. The gig that the RoffleBurger couple offer is to babysit their adorable cat family inside of their gigantic log cabin while they go out on vacation. But as soon as Mathias takes on the job, he begins to realize that he had just made the biggest mistake of his life! Mathias realizes that these cats aren’t just any other ordinary cats, but rather cats that are psychotic and determined to use their supernatural abilities to eliminate Mathias from the fabric of existence! But Mathias being as foolish as he is, he is willing to risk his mental and physical well being for the sake of ten thousand dollars.
You must survive a whole week defending yourself against this vengeful cat family. In this game you will get to meet each cat named: Koobu, Weex Moo Moo, Creamsicle, Dan, Wumbo and a wild baby lynx. As you freely roam around the RoffleBurger estate, you will quickly learn that each of these cats have their own unique style and abilities of trying to take you down. Depending on the particular kitty cat that you encounter, you must either run, hide, squirt, snuggle, feed or stare. You must be smart, fast, clever, cunning and be willing to make full use of your given tools in order to survive each night of the week.
Features and System Requirements:
- First person family friendly survival horror experience with a goofy atmosphere.
- Snuggle with Koobu so that she doesn’t burn the house down.
- Hide from Creamsicle in the home office where he will indeed pass out from boredom.
- Spray Weex moo moo with a spray bottle that contains toilet water.
- Feed Wumbo chicken when he’s hungry or else he will eat you.
- If you hear faint growling, look behind you fast! cause dan is sneaking up behind you.
- Screenshots
- System Requirements
- Installation Guide
System Requirements
Installation Guide
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