James Bond 007 Blood Stone Download Free (v76654) - WorldofPCGames

James Bond 007 Blood Stone Download Free (v76654)

4 years ago
James Bond 007 Blood Stone Free Download By WorldofPcgames

Overview James Bond 007 Blood Stone:

After stopping a terrorist from destroying a fundraiser, Bond is given a new assignment, a scientist who specializes in biological engineering goes missing, presumed dead as his boat was found capsized in the ocean. The US Echelon system picks up a cell phone call that pertains to his disappearance that he is alive and the call was made in Istanbul. Bond is sent to investigate whether it was the scientist or not. Posing as professor of the British Museum, James investigates the foreman’s office but was already found out and he manages to escape before the trailer was put in the pit. James manages to head down to the catacombs and heard the scientist reveal codes to a man and is soon killed before Bond could save him. Bond chases down the man who was interrogating him and learns that he was hired to interrogate the scientist by a man named Using an MI6 cover agent, fashion-designer Nicole Hunter, who has ties to Pomerov, Bond infiltrates a Casino owned by him while Nicole meets with him as a way to get Bond in without Pomerov noticing. Bond finds incriminating evidence in Pomerov’s safe, and it’s revealed that he had the scientist kidnapped and interrogated to create weaponized biological agents from vaccinations that the scientist was working on but triggers an alarm and fights his way out to Nicole.

Again, using Nicole as cover for Bond’s infiltration, he heads to a facility in Siberia to determine whether Pomerov is indeed creating WMDs, and upon learning that such is the case, Bond destroys the facility, hunts Pomerov down, and eliminates him before he can flee the country. Thought it seems that everything is wrapped up, Bond concludes that some third party tipped MI6 off about what was happening in Istanbul, as the scientist couldn’t have made the calls that MI6 believed him to have made, being that he was imprisoned at the time. Bond sets out to discover the who and why

James Bond 007 Blood Stone Free Download:

  1. Third Person Shooter
  2. Single Player


System Requirements

1 :: Operating System :: Windows XP/7/8/8./10.
2 :: Processor: Core™ 2 Duo E4300 1.80 GHz or AMD Athlon™ 64 X2 4000+ 2.0 GHz
3 :: Ram :: 1 GB RAM
4 :: DirectX: Version 9.0
5 :: Graphics:: NVIDIA GeForce 7600 GT+, GeForce 8600 GT+, GeForce 9600 GS+, GeForce 220
6 :: Space Storage:: 12 GB space

Installation Guide

Turn Off Your Antivirus Before Installing Any Game

1 :: Download Game
2 :: Extract Game
3 :: Launch The Game
4 :: Have Fun 🙂

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