MAGICAL DEATHPAIR Download Free - WorldofPCGames


3 years ago
MAGICAL DEATHPAIR Free Download By Worldofpcgames

MAGICAL DEATHPAIR Free Download PC game in a pre-installed direct link with updates and DLCs for mac os x dmg multiplayer android apk.


MAGICAL DEATHPAIR is an adventure game that sixteen witches are find themselves in a game of life and death. It is November 2020 in a world where witches secretly protect Tokyo’s peace.A sudden monster appearance causes a huge rise in missing persons. Sixteen of the best witches are sent out to deal with the problem and find themselves in a game of life and death. Manages to take a nostalgic setting and a genre,

creating something clever and creative with a rather simple story presented in maybe the best way possible for the kind of narrative it tries and succeeds to pull off while elevating the said genre, mashing it up with some other ones in the process, which is something I normally don’t like too much but in this game’s case the end product justifies it perfectly. Got scared, got thrilled, got confused but never to the point of genuine frustration and most importantly got surprised and impressed.

Maybe not all the parts were flawlessly executed but the minor setbacks don’t affect the overall experience. Also it looks pretty decent, runs smooth and has no major bugs. In addition to everything, it also rewards you for exploring but in the form of understanding and making sense of the story -try to look out for every detail you can catch- which was quite enjoyable. Go in as blind as you can and if you are lucky like me, having this fallen off from your radar after it came out and made a scene for itself or perhaps you’ve never actually heard about it in the first place, savour every moment because the pay off is brilliant.


  1. Simple story
  2. The best way possible
  3. Rise in missing persons


System Requirements

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