Stay Alive And Sword Fight Sword Reach & Anti Exploit Bypass Roblox Scripts - WorldofPCGames

Stay Alive And Sword Fight Sword Reach & Anti Exploit Bypass Roblox Scripts

3 years ago
Stay Alive And Sword Fight Sword Reach & Anti Exploit Bypass Roblox Scripts

Stay Alive And Sword Fight Sword Reach & Anti Exploit Bypass Roblox Scripts Download Free Roblox Exploits Hacks And Cheats For Roblox Games Best Roblox Codes And Scripts.

About Stay Alive And Sword Fight:

I’ll get round to writing a better review somewhen soon, but give it a quick read for a rough idea wether to buy it or not.

If you appreciate Survival games such as The forest, 7 days to die, Rust, Fallout, Empyrion: Galactic survival, Elder scrolls , or any survival simulation rpg, BUY THIS GAME.

Its not as Graphically sweet as the above, and the AI is a little rough, but its more of the physics side of things and AI commands that’ve grabbed my attention, or, the ways you can interact with objects and people etc-

If you find a shopping trolley, you can ‘carry’ it about and put items literally within in, not as in inverntory slots, but literally stack items within the trolley. You can the find a van or car, lorry (if you mechanical skill is high enough to drive) and put the shopping trolley into it. Side sliding doors on vans, small drawer sets with funtioning drawer sets can be moved around (or into the van for storage of other objects)…you can pick up and fill a backpack (with inventory slots dependant on size) whilst holding a briefcase and weapon. Clothes have pockets, rarities and temperature aiding abilities, and can also get dirty.

You can fill a bathtub with water from other containers, take apart or recycle objects, join AI groups, lead groups of AI (regarding charisma is high enough)… You can trade, have a skillset that you add to by gaining experience points by doing things, reading books and fufilling your own needs, you can get ai with your group to do things for you, like kill zombies nearby, or loot for specific things…. some of the AI lie, some fo them secretly want to kill you, some of them are happy to be bossed about aslong as theyre housing and food/water stocks are available.

Gas, electric and running water are available for the first few days, but the gas and water shut off a little too early for my liking, but hey, i’m sure the developers will adjust things in the future.

The translations are a little rough, some of the AI walk into walls, but its a really good game in the making. You can set up, reinforce, build bases once youve learned skills and recipes, You can take an engine out of a car and put in another, make a pyramid like display of canned foods (ha) …It has ALOT of potential.

How to run Stay Alive And Sword Fight roblox script / Exploit /Code / Hack and cheat

  1. Download The Exploit (How To Download Guide)
  2. Make Sure You Don’t Download Any Advertisements
  3. Run The Script Via Your Favorite Executor App (Zeus, Delta, Furk Ultra etc)
  4. Enjoy 🙂

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