Terrarium Builder Direct Download:
Have you ever dreamed about building a terrarium? Do you already have one, but it’s not enough? Or maybe you want to test yourself before making the real one? Terrarium Builder is a game for you! In Terrarium Builder you can design and create realistic terrariums with the following features: Sculpt the terrain with different brushes, so that you can achieve the shape that you want Paint typical surfaces like grass, moss, and the terrain itself. Game is honestly very relaxing and pretty easy to use. Has some texture bugs where textures get stretched and some of the shape tools are a little weird but nothinf too bad. If I could change anything about it, I would make the decorations be scaleable. That’s pretty much it. Had quite a lot of fun from the time that I HAVE played.
Graphics are very nice, also some cool things like if you change the background the lighting changes based on the background you chose, or how if you get closer to things the camera unfocuses on other things These stats are sort of like an RPG trope ordeal where you have to train them at those skills so they get better stats. The pawns I started out with, one was an okay constructor, the other a doctor, and the third one was not good at anything, but she could still kind of get the job done.
Features and System Requirements:
- Beautiful game
- Enjoy gameplay
- New levels
- Screenshots
- System Requirements
- Installation Guide
System Requirements
Installation Guide
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