Vampire Survivors Emergency Meeting Free Download - WorldofPCGames

Vampire Survivors Emergency Meeting Free Download

1 year ago
Vampire Survivors Emergency Meeting Free Download By Worldofpcgames

Vampire Survivors Emergency Meeting Direct Download:

The Survivors are desperate to hunt vampires, but are running out of places to look. Only one option remains: Be the bullet hell… in space! Gather your most trusted Crewmates, prepare to eject the Impostors, and try to survive while mowing down thousands of extra-terrestrial foes in this expansion for Vampire Survivors. Turn classic Among Us tasks into outrageous weapons, upgrading your abilities after every roguelite run to overcome impossible odds with ease. Be alert to subterfuge as you explore the vast weirdness of the Polus Replica and keep your wits about you, as suspicious eyes are always watching A cast of courageous Crewmates assembled to take on the tumultuous tasks, including: Crewmate Dino – Starry-eyed, optimistic, and unfortunately extremely tasty.

Ghost Lino – Good Crewmates don’t let a silly thing like death get in the way of their tasks. Lino can float through walls at will and can’t be hurt, but can’t deal damage either… what could be the goal of such suspicious game design?! Shapeshifter Nino – Look at this bean! They can do all kinds of… wait, where did they go? And where did this snowman come from? Oh well, I’m sure you’ll figure it out. Guardian Pina – Everyone needs an angel on their shoulder. Pina isn’t just there for moral support, though – they boost the defences of all nearby allies, and they love taking out the garbage. Impostor Rina – A fellow Crewmate that is in no way some kind of duplicitous, well-disguised killer. One hundred percent all-natural-bean, right here. Nothing to see or think about.

Features and System Requirements:

  • Upgrading your abilities after every roguelite run.
  • Turn classic Among Us tasks into outrageous weapons.


System Requirements

Installation Guide

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