Venture Tales Kill Aura Insta Kill Roblox Scripts - WorldofPCGames

Venture Tales Kill Aura Insta Kill Roblox Scripts

1 year ago
Venture Tales Kill Aura Insta Kill Roblox Scripts

Venture Tales Kill Aura Insta Kill Roblox Scripts Download Free Roblox Exploits Hacks And Cheats For Roblox Games Best Roblox Codes And Scripts

About Venture Tales:

When this game first came out in 2005, it was everything younger me wanted. A tycoon style sim game where, instead of building fences and managing guests at a zoo, you’re put in charge of the ecosystem and the animals themselves? Sign me up. Legend Magician 1 Shot Script Roblox Scripts

But, back in 2005, I could not, by any known means, get it to work on our computer. I did everything I could think of, my parents tried everything, we called in my tech-expert older brother and HE tried everything he could think of. Long story short, I never got to play it.

So, you can imagine my excitement when I spotted it on Steam! That was the fastest I’ve ever bought a game on here, because It’d been literally 14 years and I was still excited to play it. Thankfully, with the Steam version (and a much newer computer, lol) it runs perfectly, and it’s a great game! The graphics are clearly from 2005, but I love it anyway, and would definitely recommend it to anyone looking for a ‘different’ Animal Tycoon game.

Had this game as a kid, as many similar reviews agree. Loved it a lot, it’s a simple mechanic that’s fun to play. However it is super old and thus looks the part, with sort of crusty textures and models. Doesn’t bother me though! The thing that bugs me is while playing I thought “hey, didn’t these poems used to have voice overs? Wheres all the music?” Started to think I’d imagined that. But looking it up on YouTube, sure enough, I found someone who clearly owned the disk where the poems have voice overs! So it seems like either in optimizing this game for Steam they removed voices/music, or they messed something up and bugged it out. It’s really a shame. The game is so quiet! Well, at least it’s really just a $1.99 plus tax.

How to run Venture Tales roblox script / Exploit /Code / Hack and cheat

  1. Download The Exploit (How To Download Guide)
  2. Make Sure You Don’t Download Any Advertisements
  3. Run The Script Via Your Favorite Executor App (Zeus, Delta, Furk Ultra etc)
  4. Enjoy

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